Looking for the best mattress for your budget? We’ve got you covered! At Ben’s, we offer a wide range of mattresses in styles and sizes for every bedroom. But without actually lying down on the mattresses, it can be difficult to determine the very best. To guide you in the right direction, we’ve compiled a list of […]
Read MoreAllergy sufferers know the frustration of instant sneezing and a runny nose from the moment they get into bed. And in many cases, it continues all night, causing uncomfortable congestion that disrupts their sleep and makes the next day just as miserable. Hypoallergenic bedding is a good place to start—especially if you’re allergic to the […]
Read MoreAccidents happen. Spills, dropped food, pet stains—we’ve all experienced a stained mattress at least once. And while we strongly encourage our customers to use a mattress protector to safeguard their bed against such accidents, we understand that many people go without one. So what do you do when the inevitable spill happens? Some stains are trickier than […]
Read MoreHow do you know when it’s time to replace your mattress? This is a surprisingly controversial topic, in part because mattress manufacturers and consumers tend to provide conflicting advice. So, who would you believe? Your mother, or the people who actually made your mattress? The truth is: you’ll probably need to listen to both. There’s […]
Read MoreFlip or no-flip: that is the question. Chances are you grew up sleeping on a mattress that your parents told you to flip every few months. You rotated it, you turned it over, you rotated it again, all in the name of longevity. Flash forward to today, there are numerous styles of exceptionally comfortable mattresses: pillow […]
Read MoreYou and your partner have individual sleep habits and comfort preferences. Maybe you toss a lot at night, but your partner doesn’t. You prefer a plush mattress, but your partner likes firm. You sleep on your side, but your partner sleeps on their stomach. So, how do you choose a mattress that’s right for both […]
Read MoreHere’s the thing about snoring: it may seem like a harmless annoyance at first, but it can turn into a nightmare for couples. You or your partner is being woken up by the noise, night after night. You’re not getting a good night’s sleep. You’re irritable in the morning. You’re not as alert or productive. The […]
Read MoreA good-quality mattress is crucial for a great night’s sleep. But it’s important to remember that most people don’t use their beds exclusively for sleep. You read in it. You watch TV. You snack. And, if you have mobility issues too, you know how difficult it can be to do these activities with a traditional […]
Read MoreQueen mattresses are often the most popular option for individuals and couples who don’t have the space for a king bed. But with so many different mattresses to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start. At Ben’s, many of our customers already have a general idea how much they want to spend […]
Read MoreTaking good care of your mattress is essential for both your sleep and the longevity of the mattress. And the good news is it’s actually very easy to care for your mattress. By simply keeping it clean and using it for what’s designed for (sleep), you shouldn’t need to replace your mattress again for several years. What […]
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