A great night’s sleep begins with the perfect mattress. But since each person has their own unique sleep patterns and comfort preferences, it’s important to weigh your options carefully.
What Mattress Is Perfect For You?
Mattresses have come a long way over the years. You’re no longer limited to the same coil-style mattresses that your grandparents used. Let’s test memory foam vs. innerspring mattresses.
Which mattress style is right for you? Let’s look at some of the key differences to help you decide.
Innerspring Mattresses
An innerspring mattress is made with a framework of metal coils. These coils are what give the mattress its springy feeling. The thickness of the coils typically influences how firm the mattress is. Coils are measured in gauges, with higher gauges meaning the coil is thinner. So, for example, a 15-gauge coil innerspring will feel softer than a 13-gauge.
These coils aren’t the only factor affecting the softness. Innersprings are typically padded with numerous layers of foam. These foam layers vary in size, material and purpose. Some are intended to provide support. Some provide added softness. Some help to relieve pressure points from your body, thus reducing tossing during the night.
Innerspring Advantages:
- Wide variety of styles available, allowing you to choose the unique level of softness you prefer
- New innerspring mattresses from brands are quieter and more advanced than ever, helping to reduce motion and conform to your body
- Good for those who like the feel of a traditional mattress and don’t want to ruin a good thing
Innerspring Disadvantages:
- Lower-quality innersprings have a more “bouncy” feel, which creates more mattress motion – so if your partner tosses, your side moves too
Memory Foam Mattresses
A memory foam mattress has no innerspring. The core is made entirely of memory foam or another type of foam core, sometimes topped with additional foam layers.
When you lie on a memory foam mattress, one of the first things you will notice is that it doesn’t have the bounce that innerspring mattresses have. Instead, it has a more enveloping feel. The memory foam gently conforms to your body shape and distributes your weight evenly across the mattress. This helps to greatly reduce the pressure points that cause tossing and turning.
Memory foam mattresses are still relatively new in comparison to their innerspring counterparts, but various iterations have been around for a few decades.
Memory Foam Advantages:
- Excellent pressure point relief and weight distribution
- Less “bounce” than a traditional innerspring mattress
- Creates the ideal sleep posture, so you’re less likely to wake up with sore muscles
Memory Foam Disadvantages:
- Memory foam retains heat, causing some mattresses to feel hotter at night
- Low-quality memory foam mattresses have a “sinking” feeling, rather than cradling. Always stick to high-quality brands
Still Not Sure Which Mattress Is For You?
The best way to know which mattress is right for you is to lie down on it. We invite you to stop by any Ben’s mattress store to see both styles for yourself. And if you have any questions, our associates will be happy to help.