Answering the Question: How to Wash a Comforter
There’s nothing quite like crawling into a bed that has clean sheets on it, is there? While clean sheets that still smell like your fabric softener feel great against your skin, your sleep experience can be less than pleasant if you didn’t clean your comforter. Continue reading to learn how to wash a comforter safely so you can sleep easy.
While that may seem obvious, it’s equally clear that washing a comforter isn’t nearly as convenient as laundering sheets. Unlike sheets, comforters are usually bulky. They’re also heavier than sheets. Comforters are often longer and wider than sheets, too. What does all of this mean? It means washing a comforter can feel more like a wrestling match than a simple household chore.
To Dry Clean or Not to Dry Clean?
If you ask around, you’ll probably come across a few people who will advise you to have your comforter dry cleaned. While that’s wise advice if you have a down comforter, it may be wasteful if you have a down-alternative comforter.
The majority of down-alternative comforters are machine washable. By washing your comforter yourself, you can save money.
Tips for Laundering Your Comforter
Depending on the size of your comforter, you may be able to wash it at home or you might have to travel to a local laundromat to use a commercial washer that has a higher capacity. No matter where you launder your comforter, there are a few things you should do to avoid ruining it.
Select the Right Settings and Use the Appropriate Detergent
Before you wash your comforter, you should look at its attached care tag. Ideally, the care tag will tell you what settings to use and which kind of detergent is best for your comforter. If the care tag is lacking these details, reach out to comforter’s manufacturer to get the information you need.
If you can’t remember what company made your comforter and its care tag is long gone, you can still wash it on your own. In general, it’s wise to set the washer on a gentle or delicate cycle. You should choose either cool or warm water to wash your comforter. Using a mild detergent is also advisable.
Keep Your Comforter Plump
Once your comforter is washed, you’ll need to dry it using low heat. To keep your comforter plump while it’s drying, it’s wise to put a couple of tennis balls in the dryer along with your comforter.
Avoid Cleaning Your Comforter More Than Necessary
One of the best tips you’ll get as it relates to cleaning a comforter is to avoid doing it more than you have to. You can minimize the number of times you need to launder your comforter by using a duvet cover. A duvet cover will keep your comforter cleaner for longer periods of time. While you’ll have to clean your duvet cover regularly, using one will prevent you from having to launder your comforter as often as you currently have to.
Visit a Ben’s Atlanta-Area Store
Although we can only offer advice about how to wash a comforter, we can do more when it comes to mattresses, accessories and bedroom furniture. In fact, we can help you find all these things when you visit one of our Atlanta-area stores.
If you’re not located near a Ben’s retail outlet, you can still shop with us. We ship discounted goods to locations throughout the United States. Whether you shop with Ben’s online or in person, you’ll find high-quality products at prices that are more than competitive whenever you shop with us.